Oil of Oregano: Benefits for Gut Health and How to Use It
Oil of oregano benefits include anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm chronic inflammatory conditions, especially in the gut.
Is Colon Hydrotherapy Really Good for Gut Health?
Colon hydrotherapy may be popular, but there isn’t enough evidence for its benefits. Setting a healthy gut foundation, however, tends to be an effective method.
Can a Colonic Really Improve Your Gut Health?
Colonics are trending, but little scientific evidence can show their effectiveness. For improved gut health, you’ll need to resolve your foundational issues.
How to Find the Best Leaky Gut Diet for Your Needs
The best leaky gut diet is one rich in unprocessed anti-inflammatory foods, though you may need to customize to your needs and also address food sensitivities and bad gut bacteria.
What Is Silent Reflux and What Can I Do About It?
Silent reflux can go unnoticed, as it doesn’t present with heartburn. Gut health improving measures, such as diet and lifestyle changes, can help.
How to Relieve Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) Symptoms
LPR, or laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, is a condition that often goes unnoticed. We’ll take you through its symptoms, causes, and possible treatment options.
What Are Optimal Thyroid Levels, and How Do You Achieve Them?
Thyroid medication and improved gut health can help you achieve optimal thyroid levels. Before discussing these tactics, let’s see how thyroid levels are measured.
Hypothyroidism Medication and Gut Health: What You Should Know
Hypothyroidism medication is important in thyroid treatment, but you also need to address any underlying gut issues. Here’s how to get started.
3 Functional Remedies for IBS Symptoms: Female Focus
Let’s talk about IBS symptoms: females tend to especially have intense, frequent symptoms due to the gut-hormone connection. Here’s how to improve symptoms.
SIBO Fatigue: How To Heal Your Gut and Regain Your Energy
SIBO fatigue is an often misunderstood symptom and can be improved by healing the gut. Diet and supplements can provide an individualized approach to gut health.